Summer Festival of the Japanese House
On September 7th, 2024, we warmly invite you to our annual summer festival! We will soon be presenting the program on our website, which has something to offer for both young and old. Look forward to authentic Japanese food, exciting workshops for children and adults, and great live music. Be sure to mark September 7th, 2024, in your calendar! We look forward to celebrating with you!
Salt on July 27
Ink splashes on the note in the trash can. When you stare at it, it feels like you are looking directly at something. Who is there? Why am I there now? The trash, thrown away in a disordered manner. A strange dialogue with the trash can brings my last years into focus. Why have I come here and where am I going? When I finally throw the torn letter into the trash can, my unfinished task is resolved. The former resident artist of the Japanese House, Hiroko Iwai, is back in Leipzig for a short time! The new solo theater work, “Salt”, will be staged and premiered in collaboration with…
Our Upcoming Events
We have recently received many inquiries about upcoming events, some of which mentioned that not everyone uses social media. Therefore, we have decided to post the events for the next few weeks on our website. However, we cannot always guarantee the accuracy and may not always be able to update this list regularly. You can find everything under: Events / Preview in the menu. We are working on a less time-consuming solution to keep you informed nonetheless. 🙂
Small Update
Our website has received little attention in recent years. The reason for this is nothing special; it simply fell down our list of priorities. We have been contemplating for some time how to proceed from here, whether there will be a return to a classic blog or whether we will, in keeping with the spirit of the times, limit ourselves to the essential information. This naturally requires a balancing of effort and benefit. What is certain, however, is that we will soon publish an introduction to our partner projects in Tbilisi (Georgia) and Onomichi (Japan) here. In addition, we will now update the content of the subpages.
privileg6000: propaganda feeds on repetition
Opening offensive 2022: fully automated dehumanization using programmable data processing deviceLive subject:GLEEETCH 04.05.2022 20:00Japanisches HausEisenbahnstr 113b
Interview #3: Sarah
(English below) Der dritte Gast in unserer Interview-Reihe ist Sarah, die jüngere Tochter von Jens. Sarah studierte Fotografie in Wien und zur Zeit Kommunikationsdesign in Stuttgart. Sie liebt Japan und die japanische Kultur, war bereits zweimal dort. Unter anderem durfte sie im Zuge eines Künstleraustausches einige ihrer Fotografien in Amagasaki austellen. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören! Instagram SarahWebsite Sarah The third guest in our interview series is Sarah, Jens’ younger daughter.Sarah studied photography in Vienna and currently communication design in Stuttgart. She loves Japan and Japanese culture, has been there twice. Among other things, she was able to exhibit some of her photographs in Amagasaki as part of an artist exchange….
Interview #2: Sarika
(English below) Der zweite Gast in unserer Interview-Reihe ist Sarika Devi Dasi, eine spirituelle, kreative Frau, die uns einen Einblick in ihr Leben und Denken gibt. Sarika ist Lektorin in einem Leipziger Verlag und begleitet Autoren vom Erstkontakt bis zum fertigen Buch. Sie selbst schreibt, malt, illsustriert, singt und reist gerne. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören! Facebook SarikaWebsite Sarika JapHouse · Interview Sarika The second guest in our interview series is Sarika Devi Dasi, a spiritual, creative woman who gives an insight into her life and thinking.Sarika is an editor at a publishing house in Leipzig and accompanies authors from the first contact to the finished book. She writes, paints, illustrates,…
Blog: DJH-Mixtape #3 (Tobi)
Nach langer Zeit kompletter Einigelung nun das nächste Mixtape, mit dem Thema 奇妙 – seltsam. ? ??Mir würde kein besserer Begriff für diese Zeit einfallen…Hoffe ihr findet Gefallen daran! PS: Vielen Dank für den unbekannten Künstler des sehr passenden Portraits von Ikuko : ). Bitte melden, wer seine Handschrift wiedererkennt! ?✍️?