19:00 ごはんのかい(アフリカ料理 & 日本食)
21:00 展覧会オープニング “Zuru + Hiro = 5910”
21:30 ミニコンサート
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= Kliarenz Albert a.k.a. Zuru =
Kliarenz is a serious artist and he has trained himself sculpting for over 10 years.
His career of the sculpture was started since 2000, first as a resident artist under the mentorship of Tapfuma Gutsa who is a well known artist from Zimbabwe where he was born. At Surprise Art Center which was run and organised by Tapfuma and Nicole Gutsa he learnt how to curve and sculpt things mainly in stone, after this he attended a couple of residencies and workshops including the latest artist residency in Spinnerei, Leipzig.
His work sometimes comments on a range of contemporary social problems, environmental issues and also hiv and Aids.
= Norihiro Usui a.k.a. Hiro =
Studied Fine Art and music for 7 years both in Tokyo and London and worked as a commissioned artist with the gallery in London for 2 years. Currently living in Leipzig and looking to apply for Meister at HGB university.
= Minii Concert =
Friend’s band from Eisenbahn strasse formed recently to try and contribute each musician’s possibilities. Our influences are from Progressive rock, Latin and a bit of jazz.
Christoph (Guitar)